Finding a Good Church

Constructing a solid Biblical foundation is crucial for a Christian faith, especially when many believers struggle to find a good church. Corrupt teaching and deceptive leaders have become sources of instability in numerous churches today. In an attempt to attract converts and maintain their attention, many ministries have deviated from a biblical basis of faith and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Instead, they have placed something or someone else at the forefront, replacing the firm foundation established by God in His Word with poorly constructed imitations promoted as "relevant," "real," and "new." These imitations promise a better "blessing" and "experience." The number of misguided churches and compromised leaders is too extensive to address fully here, but I will highlight a few common ones that should be recognized and avoided.

The Big Business Church

The church, which Christ is actively building through the power of his Word, holds a unique and eternal significance. Unfortunately, some church leaders presume they can invent or market a better way to construct the church than its Chief Architect. These misguided efforts to build a better church are pure folly! Christ alone is the builder of the church, and any other approach conceived by men or demons will ultimately fail apart from Christ.

When Christ said, "I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18), His intention was not for us to create religious machines that resemble big businesses. The success of these machines is often measured by their ability to attract people and persuade them to donate money rather than by their efforts to teach the Bible and promote discipleship. Such churches become overly fixated on numbers and having more attendees than neighboring churches. They equate this numerical growth with success while viewing others as failures. This approach, resembling a big business, contradicts the biblical concept of the church as a body (Romans 12:3-8). The church operates through the use of spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:27) and fulfills its responsibilities to the fellowship of believers (Acts 2:42).

Unfortunately, like many well-meaning CEOs and board members of Fortune 500 companies, these churches often strive to emulate their ambitions and eventually prioritize the bottom line. As a result, ministry strategies become overtly financial, and outreach transforms into marketing that contradicts any genuine mission statement. Some even dare to offer their followers a 90-day money-back guarantee. Yes, that's right! They propose a 90-day tithing challenge, and if God does not bless you within ninety days, you get your money back. These misguided marketing tactics, disguised as the Gospel, have nothing to do with being a church that glorifies God and everything to do with enriching its leaders.

The Socially-Focused Church

Christ did not intend for the church to focus primarily on social reform. This social view of the church shifts the attention away from the Word of God and towards teachings on economics, politics, civics, environmental struggles, and self-improvement. These churches often emerge when their leaders, out of frustration or ignorance, deviate from what the Bible teaches and who Christ truly is. Unfortunately, the leaders of such churches lack confidence in the Word of God and are more lost than their followers.

Instead of faithfully teaching God's complete and accurate Word, some churches willingly distort the truth. They become more focused on social issues and creating an engaging experience for their followers. However, this approach leads to a counterfeit "social gospel" that strays from the true message of the true Gospel. It places greater importance on social reform rather than the teachings of Jesus Christ.

These churches mistakenly believe that fixing society's problems can only be achieved by saving individuals and reforming society. However, this approach ultimately leads to the church's irrelevance to God's purposes. The Bible and the Gospel are watered down and rendered obsolete. Consequently, individuals are left with shallow faith, more concerned with what the church can do for them rather than what they can do for the glory of God and His church.

While we are called to be concerned with reforming the whole person, we must reject the notion of turning the church into a social reform institution. The Word of God is sufficient to transform society one person at a time through the regenerative power of the Holy Spirit, which is accessible to all through the preaching of repentance and redemption in Christ.

The Prosperity Church

One prominent error that needs to be addressed is the prosperity gospel, often associated with the health and wealth church. This distorted teaching promotes the idea that material wealth and physical well-being are signs of God's favor and blessings. It claims that if you have enough faith and sow financial seeds into the ministry, you will be rewarded with abundant prosperity. However, this teaching is a dangerous deviation from the true message of the Gospel.

The health and wealth church emphasizes worldly success and material gain, equating them with spiritual blessings. It becomes fixated on accumulating wealth and pursuing personal prosperity rather than focusing on the true message of repentance, salvation, and discipleship. This distorted view reduces the Gospel to a transactional relationship with God, where faith is measured by material possessions and physical health.

In reality, the teachings of the health and wealth church contradict the teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles. Jesus warned against the dangers of pursuing wealth and highlighted the importance of spiritual treasures over earthly riches (Matthew 6:19-21). The apostle Paul also emphasized contentment and the dangers of the love of money (1 Timothy 6:6-10). The true message of the Gospel calls for a total surrender to Christ, not a pursuit of personal gain.

Furthermore, the health and wealth church often preys on vulnerable individuals who are desperate for a solution to their financial struggles or physical ailments. It exploits their hopes and fears, promising quick fixes and miraculous breakthroughs in exchange for monetary contributions. This manipulative behavior not only exploits people's vulnerabilities but also distorts the true purpose and mission of the church.

We must recognize the errors of the health and wealth church and firmly stand on the truth of the Gospel. The true purpose of the church is to proclaim the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ, to nurture believers in their faith, and to serve others selflessly. We must prioritize spiritual growth, discipleship, and the pursuit of holiness rather than being enticed by the false promises of worldly success and material wealth.

Committed to the True Church

Just because there are some issues with the organized church doesn't mean we should completely dismiss the institution. Instead, we should actively engage with it, faithfully teach the Word of God, and work towards making the necessary changes to align with God's will. This work is precisely what we at Core-Truth Ministries are committed to doing.

In the past, when someone asked for a good church recommendation, you could confidently point them towards many churches in your community where they could "worship the Father in spirit and truth" (John 4:23). However, answering that question today can be challenging and potentially risky if you're not cautious with your advice. With a lack of solid biblical teaching and spiritual discernment in many churches, investing time and diligence in identifying where the Word of God is being faithfully taught in your community is crucial.

Core-Truth Ministries is dedicated to helping build the church on the complete and accurate truth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our mission is to work within the church itself, not just as critics but as reformers who adhere unwaveringly to biblical principles in our ministry. We collaborate with church leaders who are committed to the Bible and seek to deepen people's understanding of scripture. Our goal is to transform the church, one disciple at a time, by fulfilling Christ's great commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

To help you identify a church faithful to the full and accurate teaching of the Bible, we would like to share these eleven criteria from the well-known Pastor and Bible Teacher John C. MacArthur. These criteria serve as a guide to recognizing the marks of a true church. They are foundational and non-negotiable. We sincerely hope and pray that they are as beneficial to you as they have been to us.

The Marks of the True Church

  1. Absolute Authority of the Scriptures

  2. Commitment to Christ-centered worship

  3. Doctrinally Clear

  4. Spiritual Discernment

  5. Pursuit of Holiness

  6. Submission to God's Divine Will

  7. Devotion to Discipleship

  8. Submission to a plurality of Godly Leaders

  9. Mutual Love

  10. Consistent Service

  11. Passionate Evangelism

We also encourage you to click here and use our "Find a Church" resource on our website. This resource is designed to help you locate a biblically sound church in your area. We hope it will assist you in finding a church home.

Alexander Ortiz

Dedicated to establishing and reinforcing a high view of the scriptures and Jesus Christ of whom the scriptures speak—helping you to understand God's full and accurate revelation concerning His son and fulfilling His great commission.

The Importance of Repentance in the Gospel Message


Living Relentlessly Biblical